
A browser you embed in a webpage.

A web proxy with sessions and tabs. It looks like a browser, but you don't have to download it: it just embeds in a webpage.

browser inside browser

Browsers Inside Browsers A Deep Dive into Nested Browsing Have you ever wondered if its possible to run a web browser inside another web browser

Browser.lol: Freely available Web

With Browser.lol, you can reach a virtual environment within seconds in your existing browser, where you can access and test everything without fear of it ...

Browserling – Online cross

Try for free now! Cross browser test your websites online in all web browsers – Internet Explorer, Edge, Chrome, Safari, Firefox, and Opera. Browser sandbox · Online browser · Virtual browser · Remote browser


A browser that works on a web page like a normal browser. Supports tabs and asynchronous operation. Examples for inspiration - lynx, links, w3m

Is it possible to have a browser inside a browser?

It would be great to have an HTML5 window manager (also called a desktop inside a browser), which would allow us to store a session where a single browser ...

NetworkChuck Cloud Browser

The ultimate tool for threat research, open-source intelligence (OSINT) collections or accessing those high-risk links.

Test Websites on Virtual Browser Online

評分 4.5 (80) · 免費 · 網頁瀏覽器 Instant Access to Real Browsers on Cloud! Use different versions of virtual browsers for testing websites on mobile & desktop, only on BrowserStack.

Virtual Browser : rbrowsers

There are free options: Kasm Workspaces, Puffin Secure Browser, BrowserBox (open source), FlexVDI, Amazon Workspaces, Jimber to name a few.

從內部來看瀏覽器到底在做什麼?(Inside look at modern web ...

browser process 主控瀏覽器相關,像是書籤功能、發出網路請求等;renderer process 用於頁面顯示;plugin process 用於控制網站所用的plugin,例如:flash;GPU ...


Awebproxywithsessionsandtabs.Itlookslikeabrowser,butyoudon'thavetodownloadit:itjustembedsinawebpage.,BrowsersInsideBrowsersADeepDiveintoNestedBrowsingHaveyoueverwonderedifitspossibletorunawebbrowserinsideanotherwebbrowser,WithBrowser.lol,youcanreachavirtualenvironmentwithinsecondsinyourexistingbrowser,whereyoucanaccessandtesteverythingwithoutfearofit ...,Tryforfreenow!Crossbrowsertestyourwebsi...